As someone who spends a lot more time listening than watching, today I feel like I'm in visual overload.
Today's lecture was based on David Cronenberg's "Videodrome" (and included videos of Debby Harry and Blondie). Last week we studied his "Crash". Next week we've Peter Greenaway's "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife And Her Lover" and we've already had his "The Draughtsman's Contract". (I missed the "Blade Runner" lecture)
This came in on top of a glut of mind-stealing science fiction time-wastage last night. Having seen only a portion of "Survivors" on the television I spent far too long looking up that programme, its predecessor and other similar series, as directed by Wikipedia, such as "Threads", "The Changes", "The Last Train", "The Tribe", "Jericho" and more. Post-apocalyptic fiction is always bewitching so it has plagued me all day.
The radio rescued me this afternoon with an engaging
afternoon play by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, in a series about Pilgrim, a folkloric figure doomed to walk the earth for eternity.